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FF exhibited 9 pieces in the four person show, "It's Been Surreal", at Gallery 6 PDX in Portland Oregon.  (11/13) 
Four new books document Fred Free's collages in 2013: FIG. 13herei wish there was space here, and operation. Available individually or as a set.  (9/13) 
The ABC table at the New York Art Book Fair including the 13 books FF created in the last year.  (9/13)
Two new/old books from FF: a life story & file this.  (9/13) 
A recent collaborative collage project with John Gall. See more collaboration work here.  (8/13) 
John Dixon has a few words about FF's work at The Collage Miniaturist.  (7/13) 
The second book in FF's tradigitalist "main office" series - for example, let us assume - is now available.  (7/13) 
Espacios-Parentesis recently wrote about FF's work for CollageLab.  (6/13) 
In 1955, thirty-eight friends of "Jean" wrote swell things about her on the back of their own photographs. In March, FF found them in an old photo album buried in a used book shop. FF's newest book is called Jean's Photo Album.  (6/13) 
In his new book, catherine lynch's photo envelopes, FF documents his grandmother's collection of photo envelopes dating from the 1960s and 70s. This is the third in a loose series of books by Fred Free documenting his family photographic collection from different angles.  (6/13)